Our latest information mailshot is going out to our payroll clients this month - click here to download your copy.
This mailshot covers Workplace Pensions and how it will affect you and your staff - tailored information will also be sent to each client, and their employees, as we approach the assigned Auto Enrolment Staging Date. Many of our clients have already reached the AE Staging Date, with all others due to reach theirs by early 2018, and all newly registered employers will have to assess their staff for pensions immediately from Oct 2017.
This mailshot covers Workplace Pensions and how it will affect you and your staff - tailored information will also be sent to each client, and their employees, as we approach the assigned Auto Enrolment Staging Date. Many of our clients have already reached the AE Staging Date, with all others due to reach theirs by early 2018, and all newly registered employers will have to assess their staff for pensions immediately from Oct 2017.